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  李孟濤 (Matthias L. Richter):“Revisiting Mengzi’s ‘flood-like qi’”; 224th Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Phoenix, Arizona, 14–17 March 2014.
  李孟濤 (Matthias L. Richter):“Reading Mengzi’s ‘Flood-like Qi’ as Part of a Composition”; Workshop, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 3 May 2014.
羅格斯大學中國中古文學研討會(新澤西州新伯朗士威市, 2014年5月3日):“在全篇語境中解讀《孟子》的‘浩然之氣’”.
  李孟濤 (Matthias L. Richter): “Textual fluidity and means of securing textual identity in early Chinese manuscripts”; invited lecture at final roundtable of the lecture series “Cultural Materiality: Concepts at Stake in Comparative Manuscript Studies”, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 11 June 2014.
講座(瑞士蘇黎世, 2014年6月11日):“文本的流動性與簡帛制度關係”.
  李孟濤 (Matthias L. Richter): “Criteria for the distinction of different script styles and scribal hands”; conference on “Orthopraxy, Orthography, Orthodoxy: Emic and Etic Standards and Classifications of Chinese manuscripts”, meeting of the European Association for the Study of Chinese Manuscripts, Heidelberg University, Germany, 11–13 July 2014.
(歐洲中文寫本學學會, 2014年7月11-13日):“字體和手蹟辨別的判斷標準”.  
  李孟濤 (Matthias L. Richter):“Textual identity vs. variability in early Chinese manuscripts”; International Conference on “Histories of Texts in Europe and Asia: the Medieval and Early Modern Periods” at the Stanford Center at Beijing University, Beijing, China, 12–13 September 2014.
  李孟濤 (Matthias L. Richter): “How Much Does Context Matter? — The Case of Mengzi’s Flood-like Qi”; invited lecture at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK, 17 October 2014.
  李孟濤 (Matthias L. Richter): “Cosmogony as an Instrument of Political Legitimization: The Shanghai Manuscript Heng xian 恆先”; text reading seminar at the Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, UK, 24 October 2014.
英國劍橋,研讀會:Needham (李約瑟) 研究院: “以宇宙生成論作為政權合理化的工具–讀上博楚簡《恆先》”