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發表於 2007-1-25 08:27 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月24日 16:43 科技日报  是迦南人使用的一种非常古老的语言形式  记者 田学科  本报特拉维夫1月22日电 22日,纽约犹太高等学校闪族人语言和文学教授理查德•斯坦在耶路撒冷的希伯来大学首次向外界公布,他成功地破译了迄今为止所发现的历史上最早的闪族人文字。  在过去25年里,斯坦教授曾多次从埃及的考古中发现古老的闪族人文字,这次他的重大研究成果是破译了一段写在古埃及国王尤纳金字塔内的碑铭,该碑铭用闪族人的文字撰写,记载着一段迦南人的咒语。据考证,位于埃及北部塞加拉的尤纳国王金字塔距今已经有4400年,但碑铭的年代则要追溯到公元前25 世纪至公元前30世纪。这段用象形文字记载着撒旦符咒的碑铭,早在100多年以前就已经被发现,但却一直没有人能够读懂其中的意思。  2002年8月,芝加哥大学埃及古物学教授罗伯特•里特纳将这段碑铭通过电子邮件转寄给斯坦教授,以求证该碑铭是否是用闪族人文字写成的。看到碑铭后,斯坦立即从中识别出了一些闪族人文字,如“母亲蛇”等,之后,使斯坦更加确信的是,在正文“母亲蛇”旁边,用埃及文字标识着同样的意思。两者之间得到了相互验证,说明这确实是用闪族人文字写成的符咒。  闪族语是5000多年前迦南人使用的一种非常古老的语言形式,后来被腓尼基人和希伯来人使用。经过研究发现,这段符咒是古代城市巴伯劳斯(位于今天的黎巴嫩)的一个迦南牧师向埃及国王提供的。港口城市巴伯劳斯对于古埃及人来说具有非常重要的地位,从那里他们进口建筑用木材和处理木乃伊的树脂。最新发现显示,古埃及人还从那里引进不可思议的符咒,来保护皇家木乃伊免于毒蛇的危害,因为他们认为,这些毒蛇认识迦南人的语言。尽管古埃及人认为他们的文明远远早于其邻居,但是对于毒蛇的病态恐惧,让他们不得不求助于闪族人的巫术。  斯坦教授说,这一发现引起了历史学家和语言学家的极大兴趣。这些文字显示,作为腓尼基人、摩押人、亚扪人和希伯来人共同的祖先,前迦南人早在其生活的迄今5000多年之前就使用着有别于亚拉姆语、乌加里特语和其他闪族人的语言。该发现还为这一时期的古埃及语发音提供了第一个直接证据。 http://tech.sina.com.cn/d/2007-01-24/16431351755.shtml
發表於 2007-1-25 09:34 | 顯示全部樓層
http://www.usatoday.com/tech/sci ... 3-snake-spell_x.htmAncient snake spell in Egyptian pyramid may be oldest Semitic inscriptionPosted 1/23/2007 1:59 PM ETBy Laurie Copans, The Associated Press JERUSALEM — A magic spell to keep snakes away from the tombs of Egyptian kings, adopted from the Canaanites almost 5,000 years ago, could be the oldest Semitic text yet discovered, experts said Tuesday.The phrases, interspersed throughout religious texts in Egyptian characters in the underground chambers of a pyramid south of Cairo, stumped Egyptian experts for about a century, until the Semitic connection was found.In 2002 one of the Egyptologists e-mailed the undeciphered part of the inscription to Richard Steiner, a professor of Semitic languages at Yeshiva University in New York. Steiner discovered that the phrases are the transcription of a language used by Canaanites at some point in the period from 25th to the 30th centuries B.C.\"This is the oldest connected text that we have in any Semitic language,\" Steiner said in a telephone interview while visiting Israel to present his findings in a lecture sponsored by the Academy of the Hebrew Language. The previous oldest Semitic text dates from the 24th century B.C., Steiner said.Another expert said it was still unclear whether the Egyptian text is actually the oldest.\"This is highly significant because maybe, according to the researcher, it dates to the third millennium B.C., so its the most ancient pre-Canaanite text that we ever met and maybe ... it is the most ancient Semitic text ever discovered,\" said Moshe Florentine, an expert on ancient Hebrew and a member of the language academy.Steiner has not submitted his findings to a scientific journal but plans to do so, he said. More study of the fragments will be necessary to determine how these passages fit into the evolution of Semitic languages, Florentine said.The Egyptians  use of the magic spell demonstrates the close relations they had at the time with the Canaanites. While Egyptians considered their culture and religion superior to that of their neighbors to the north, they were willing to do anything to protect the mummies of their kings from the poisonous snakes.Believing that some snakes spoke the Semitic language of the Canaanites, Egyptians included the magic spells in inscriptions on two sides of the sarcophagus in an effort to ward them off.\"Come, come to my house,\" reads one section in the Semitic language that is supposed to be the snake is mother speaking, trying to lure him out of the tomb. In another passage, the snake is addressed as if he is a lover with \"Turn aside, O my beloved.\"The Egyptian and Semitic sections are each an integral part of the magic spell and neither can stand alone, Steiner said. For this reason, the Egyptian experts could not fully understand parts of the religious texts until Steiner got involved.The Semitic language of these texts that have now been deciphered was a very archaic form of the languages later known as Phoenician and Hebrew, Steiner said.The text includes words that have the same meaning as in Hebrew, like \"yad\" for hand, \"ari\" for lion, and \"beit\" for house, he said.Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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