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  李孟濤:“Cognate Texts: Technical Terms as Indicators of Intertextual Relations and Redactional Strategies”,“Textual Scholarship in Chinese Studies”, workshop at the University of Munich, 30 June – 2 July 2000.
  李孟濤:“Überlegungen zum Lesen altchinesischer Manuskripte” [Considerations concerning the reading of early Chinese manuscripts], 12th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Chinastudien, Humboldt-University Berlin, 30 November – 2 December 2001.
  李孟濤:“On the Application of Form Criticism and Redaction Criticism to Classical Chinese Literature”, 2nd International Convention of Asia Scholars, Free University Berlin, 9–12 August 2001.
  李孟濤:“Zengzi li shi: Der Titel und sein Text” [Zengzi li shi: The title and its text], “Die Freuden der Sinologie”, conference in honour of the 70th birthday of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Unger, University of Hamburg, 4–6 May 2001.
  李孟濤:“Formkritisches Lesen altchinesischer Texte” [Form critical reading of early Chinese Texts],Annual Meeting of the AG Junger Chinawissenschaftler, University of Kiel, 16–18 February 2001.
  李孟濤:“Handschriftlichenkundliche Aspekte der Auswertung altchinesischer Manuskripte” [Codicological aspects of the interpretation of early Chinese manuscripts], Annual Meeting of the AG Junger Chinawissenschaftler, University of Tübingen, 15–17 February 2002.
  李孟濤:“Ohne Punkt und Komma? Formale Merkmale altchinesischer Manuskripte” [Formal features of Early Chinese manuscripts],invited lecture, University of Hamburg, 4 June 2003.
  李孟濤:“Manuskripte aus dem Alten China – beredsam und verschwiegen” [Manuscripts from early China – loquacious and reticent], invited lecture, University of Köln, 29 January 2003 and University of Münster, 28 May 2003.
  李孟濤:“A tentative discussion of standards underlying the writing of the Laozi A and B silk manuscripts from the Han tomb at Mawangdui” (《試論馬王堆漢墓帛書〈老子〉甲本、乙本及卷前、卷後古佚書中的文字書寫規範》), “International Conference Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Excavation of the Han tombs at Mawangdui”(紀念馬王堆漢墓發掘三十週年國際學術討論會),湖南長沙, 7–9 August 2004.
  李孟濤:“Distribution of Graphic Variants within the Mawangdui Laozi Manuscripts”, “Workshop on Reading Manuscripts and Early Texts”, University of Chicago, 8 May 2004.
  李孟濤:“Tentative Criteria for discerning individual hands within the Guodian Manuscript Corpus”, “Confucianism Resurrected: The 3rd International Conference on Excavated Chinese Manuscripts”, Mt. Holyoke College, Massachusetts, 23–25 April 2004.
  李孟濤:“Tracing the Transformation of an Early Chinese Text: The Case of Zengzi li shi”, East Asian studies lecture at Princeton University, 19 April 2004.
  李孟濤:“On the distribution of different kinds of graphic variants within a manuscript”, “Second Hamburg Tomb Text Workshop”, University of Hamburg, 27–29 February 2004.
  李孟濤:“Marks, errors and corrections in the Mawangdui Laozi manuscripts”, “Chinese Paleography: Theory and Practice”, conference at the University of Chicago, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, 28–30 May 2005.
  李孟濤:“Textual identity and variability: the composite nature of early Chinese texts as a condition for reading excavated manuscripts” (《文本的一致性與可變性:以古代文獻的綜合性作爲閱讀出土文獻的前提》),“International Forum for the Study of Chinese Excavated Texts”(中國簡帛學國際論壇2006), 武漢大學, 8–10 November 2006.
  李孟濤:“Two miscellaneous questions arising from reading Warring States Chu bamboo manuscripts”(《讀戰國楚竹簡雜問二則》), “International Conference for the Study of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences”(中國社會科學院簡帛學國際論壇), 北京, 5–6 November 2006.
  李孟濤:“Textual Fluidity vs. Textual Identity: The case of Laozi 8 and its manuscript counterparts”, 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies, Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia, 30 August – 3 September 2006.
  李孟濤:“The Genesis of Texts as Reflected in Early Chinese Manuscript Versions”, 216th Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Seattle, Washington, 17–20 March 2006.
  李孟濤:“Degrees of canonisation of the Odes as reflected in the Warrings States Chu manuscript Min zhi fu mu 民之父母 and its transmitted counterparts”,Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society / Western Branch, The University of California at Irvine, 12 October 2007.
  李孟濤:“Reflections on the Role of Writing in the Transmission of Early Chinese Texts”,“China Before Print”, workshop at the University of Chicago, 25 May 2007.
  李孟濤:“The Significance of Writing for the Transmission and Stabilisation of Early Chinese Texts”,“Early China Seminar”, Columbia University, New York, 5 May 2007.
  李孟濤:“Format and Standards of Production of the Shanghai Museum Heng xian Manuscript”, “Palaeography and Cosmology: Reading Heng xian”, workshop at the University of Chicago, 10 March 2007.
  李孟濤:“Wen gu er zhizhi 溫故而知之 – Unfreezing Early Chinese Literature”, invited lecture at the University of Colorado at Boulder, 22 February 2007.
  李孟濤:“Illiterate scribes? – How modes of manuscript production in early China influenced textual transmission”,Center for Asian Studies Luncheon Talk Series, University of Colorado at Boulder, 19 November 2008.
  李孟濤:“The literacy of scribes and their influence on textual transmission”(《試探書寫者的識字能力及其對流傳文本的影響》),“2008 International Forum on Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts”(2008年國際簡帛論壇), The University of Chicago(芝加哥大学), 30 October – 2 November 2008.
  李孟濤:“Textual history as a process of ideological specification – On differences between a Warring States manuscript and its transmitted early Han counterparts”(《闡述意識形態演變進程的文本歷史—比較戰國時期寫本及其漢代流傳的對應文本》),17th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies( 歐洲漢學學會第十七屆雙年會議), Lund University, Sweden, 6–10 August 2008.
  李孟濤:“Local characteristics of manuscript production” (《寫本產生的本地特徵》),“Genius loci: Third Tomb Text Workshop and Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Chinese Manuscripts” (地方特色: 第三屆墓葬文獻研討會及歐洲中國寫本學會), University of Zurich, Switzerland, 27–29 June 2008.
  李孟濤:“Psychological foundations for ritual: Early Chinese texts on natural disposition (xing) and actual inner condition (qing)”,218th Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Chicago, Illinois, 14–17 March 2008.
  李孟濤:“Kanonbildung im Alten China: Die Rolle der Lieder im Manuskript Min zhi fu mu und in überlieferten Paralleltexten” [Canonization of texts in early China: the role of the Odes in the manuscript Min zhi fu mu and transmitted parallel texts],invited lecture at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, 1 February 2008.
  李孟濤:“Kosmogonische Begründung von ‘political correctness’” [Cosmogonic justification of ‘political correctness’] (《從宇宙起源論政治對命名的規範》),20th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Chinastudien [German Association for Chinese Studies](第二十屆德國漢學會年度會議), Munich, Germany, 28–29 November 2009.
  李孟濤:“Punctuation in early Chinese manuscripts”(《早期中國寫本的標點符號》) 、“Discerning scribal hands”(《不同手跡的辨別》),“International Conference in Preparation of a Volume in the Series Handbook of Oriental Studies: Reading Early Chinese Manuscripts: Texts, Contexts, Methods”(東方研究系列手冊之一《解讀早期中國寫本: 文本、背景及方法》國際籌備會議), Princeton University, 22-24 October, 2009.
  李孟濤:“The influence of scribal intentions and skills on the transmission of texts”(《書寫者意圖及技巧對文本流傳的影響》),Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society (美國東方學會年度會議/ Western Branch), Los Angeles, CA, 16–17 October 2009.
  李孟濤:“The heterogeneous nature and diachronic dimension of early Chinese texts – consequences for textual criticism and translation”(《早期中國文本的異質性及跨時的維度—文本考證及翻譯之結論》),Meeting of the Committee for the Study and the Translation of the Wu jing (五經研究及翻譯委員會會議), Beijing, China, 27–29 July 2009.
  李孟濤:“The production and purposes of early Chinese manuscripts as indicated by their material features”(《由實物特徵推斷早期中國寫本的產生及目的》),Conference on early and mediaeval Chinese manuscripts (早期及中古時期中國寫本研究會議), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, 1–2 June 2009.
  李孟濤:“Textual Identity and the Role of Writing in the Transmission of Early Chinese Literature”(《早期中國文獻流傳中的文本一致性及書寫的功能》),Conference “Writing and Literacy in Early China” (早期中國書寫及識字能力研究會議), Columbia University, New York, 7–8 February 2009.