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  ①  學術交流:
  李孟濤(Matthias L. Richter): “Reincarnating the Disembodied Text — Textual Identity in Early China as Reflected in Newly Discovered Manuscripts” (流形文獻成體: 從載體和字跡看具體的文本狀態), Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 15December 2011.
  李孟濤(Matthias L. Richter):“The Evolving Role of the Odes as Reflected in Min zhi fumu and Transmitted Counterparts” (從上博竹書《民之父母》與其通行本的差異推測《詩》的功用演變), Qin-Han Seminar, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 10November 2011.
  李孟濤(Matthias L. Richter):“Do Early Chinese Book Formats Explain Textual Structures in the Analects?”(早期中國簡帛文獻制度可否解釋《論語》的文本結構?), Conference “The Analects: A Western Han Text?”, Princeton University, 4–5November 2011.
  李孟濤(Matthias L. Richter):“Punctuation in Early Chinese Manuscripts as an Indication of Extension and Structure of Texts” (簡帛文獻中的標識符號作為文獻的界定以及結構的指示),
Conference “The Rise of Writing in Early China”(書寫在早期中國的發源), The University of Chicago, 15–16October 2011.
  李孟濤(Matthias L. Richter):“Legitimizing naming practices through cosmogony: The Warring States Chu manuscript Heng xian”(宇宙誕生說作為統治者的命名權力:讀戰國楚竹書《恆先》), 221st Meeting of the American Oriental Society (美國東方學會第221屆會議) , Chicago, Illinois, 11–14 March 2011.