論文: Karine Chemla (林力娜), “Ancient writings, modern conceptions of authorship. Reflections on some historical processes that shaped the oldest extant mathematical sources from ancient China” (古文獻與現代的作者概念——對中國最古現存數學文獻起定型作用的歷史性問題的一些反思), in
Writing Science. Medical and Mathematical Authorship in Ancient Greece, Markus Asper, ed. (Berlin : De Gruyter, 2012), pp. 63-82 .
Karine Chemla (林力娜), “Observing mathematical practices as a key to mining our sources and conducting conceptual history. Division in ancient China as a Case study” (觀察數學的實踐是開採歷史文獻與研究概念史的關鍵:以中國除法為例), in
Science after the Practice Turn in Philosophy, History, and the Social Studies of Science, Léna Soler, Sjoerd Zwart, Michael Lynch & Vincent Israël-Jost, eds. (New York: Routledge, 2014). 预印本:
Karine Chemla (林力娜), “Problèmes et démonstration de la correction d’algorithmes en Chine ancienne” (中國古代數學問題與算法正確性的證明之間的關係), in
Moyens de validation et de preuve dans les différentes disciplines, Claude-Olivier Doron & Bernard Parzysz, eds. (2013), pp. 33-50. 预印本:
Karine Chemla (林力娜), “Shedding some light on a possible origin of the concept of fraction in China. Division as a link between the newly discovered manuscripts and
The Gnomon of the Zhou [dynasty]” (中國分數概念源流初探:《周髀》與新出寫本文獻中所見的除法),
Sudhoffs Archiv, 2013 (即將刊出).
Karine Chemla (林力娜), “Postface: On the sources of the historian of science from the perspective of a history of education” (後序:從教育史的角度看科學史史料), in
Scientific Sources and Teaching Contexts throughout History: Problems and Perspectives, Alain Bernard & Christine Proust, eds. (Dordrecht: Springer, 2014), pp. 305-324.