- 發布時間:2023-09-07 10:29:50 瀏覽次數:1039
- Bamboo and Silk第6卷第2期出版
由武漢大學簡帛研究中心主持編輯,Brill(博睿)出版發行的Bamboo and Silk第6卷第2期(Volume 6 Issue 2)於2023年9月出版,以下是目次。
Towards a Broad Concept of Punctuation 159
Matthias L. Richter(李孟濤)
Mediating between Loss and Order: Reflections on the Paratexts of the
Tsinghua Manuscripts 186
Yunxiao Xiao(肖芸曉)
On the Graphic Variants of Wei 為 in the Bamboo Slips and Bronze Bells from the Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng 238
Cheng Pengwan(程鵬萬)
Tracing the Origin and Development of the Black Ink Marks Daubed onto the Upper Edges of Bamboo Slips in Warring States, Qin, and Han Manuscripts: With the Term jiang 江from Slip 118 of Vol. 5 of the Yuelu Qin Slips Serving as a Guide 252
戰國秦漢簡牘文獻中簡首塗黑源流考——從《岳麓書院藏秦簡(伍)》 118 號簡中的 “江”字説起
Lu Jialiang(魯家亮)
Ancient Chinese Scrolls as Evolving Entities: Implications for Reconstruction and Description 296
Thies Staack(史達)