- 發布時間:2024-09-02 09:29:16 瀏覽次數:104
- Bamboo and Silk第7卷第2期出版
由武漢大學簡帛研究中心主持編輯,Brill(博睿)出版發行的Bamboo and Silk第7卷第2期(Volume 7 Issue 2)於2024年8月出版,以下是目次。
Contents(目次) Articles
Scribal Hands, Errors, and Intervention – Manuscript Production Approaches of the Cao Mie zhi zhen 曹蔑之陣 Manuscripts
上博簡、安大簡《曹蔑之陣》與早期中國文本生成研究 – 兼論兩篇竹書之字跡、訛字與書手互動 155
Oscar Qiu Jun Zheng(鄭楸鋆)
A First Reading of the Hujia Caochang Han-Slip “Statutes on Water Control”
胡家草場漢簡《治水律》初識 202
Lu Jialiang(魯家亮)
State, Local Communities, and Water Management at the Dawn of China’s Imperial Era in the Light of Newly Excavated Documents
新出土文獻所反映的早期中華帝國初期的國家、地方社會與水利管理 219
Maxim Korolkov(馬碩)
New Insights into Emperor Wen of Han’s 167 BCE Legal Reform: the Changes in the Grading System for Illicit Profit from Robberies
漢文帝十三年刑制改革新探:從盜贓等級的變動說起 251
Tsang Wing Ma(馬增榮)
The Southern Man People in Western Han China: Manuscript Evidence from Zoumalou and Hujia Caochang
西漢時期的南蠻:走馬樓和胡家草場簡牘之所見 278
Alexis Lycas(黎康)
Manyi and Zhen as Seen from the Hujia Caochang Han Manuscripts
胡家草場漢簡所見的“蠻夷”與“真” 309
Hideyuki Watanabe(渡邊英幸)
The “Manyi lü” 蠻夷律(Statutes on the Manyi)in Han Slips from Hujia Caochang and the Household Registration of Regional Ethnic Groups
胡家草場漢簡《蠻夷律》與地方族群的編戶化 343
Sun Wenbo(孫聞博)