Bamboo and Silk is a peer-reviewed, academic journal in English published by Brill with editorship based at the Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Wuhan University. The journal focuses on excavated bamboo and silk documents from China's Pre-Qin, Qin, Han, and Wei-Jin periods with a main emphasis on paleography and textual editing and related research on society, politics, economy, legal system, ideology, culture, language habits, among other topics. The journal publishes research articles on bamboo and silk documents, related syntheses, and book reviews, all of which reflect the most recent discoveries of Chinese bamboo and silk documents and the most recent developments in the international academic community in the field. Bamboo and Silk, published twice a year, has been formed on the basis of the Chinese publication Jianbo 簡帛, which started in 2006. Some articles in Bamboo and Silk will be Chinese-to-English translations of selected articles previously published in Jianbo簡帛. Previously unpublished English language submissions are also welcome. All articles are subject to anonymous peer review.
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Bamboo and Silk welcomes English language submissions throughout the year. To deliver submissions by e-mail, please send manuscripts in both DOC (DOCX) and PDF electronic formats to Please do not include any information about the author in the text and/or notes of the manuscript. Therefore, in submitting the manuscript, please provide the content in the two separate documents:
(1) the title of the paper, the author's full name, work or study unit, and contact information.
(2) the title of the paper, Chinese and English abstracts (60-100 Chinese characters, 50-70 English words), Chinese and English keywords (3-5), the paper itself.
Online Submission
Authors may also submit their manuscript online via the Editorial Manager (EM) online submission system at: First-time users of EM need to register first. Go to the website and click on the “Register Now‘ link in the login menu. Enter the information requested.
When you register, select e-mail as your preferred method of contact. Upon successful registration, you will receive an e-mail message containing your Username and Password. If you should forget your Username and Password, click on the “Send Username/Password‘ link in the login section, and enter your first name, last name and email address exactly as you had entered it when you registered. Your access codes will then be e-mailed to you.
Prior to submission, authors are encouraged to read the ‘Instructions for Authors'. When submitting via the website, you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files.
A revised document is uploaded the same way as the initial submission. The system automatically generates an electronic (PDF) proof, which is then used for reviewing purposes. All correspondence, including the editor's request for revision and final decision, is sent by e-mail.
The author should expect to receive a notification within 3 days of the submission, and an answer within 30 days of whether or not the submission has passed the preliminary evaluation stage. Once through the preliminary evaluation, the submission will enter the formal review process. The author shall be notified of the review results within 90 days, and those submissions that pass the review might be advised to make revisions.
Bamboo and Silk only accepts one article at a time by the same author. Kindly do not submit the same article to two separate journals. Please use this Bamboo and Silk Instructions for Authors for submission guidelines and best practices. Make every effort to avoid typos and incorrect citations.
Double-blinded Peer Review
Bamboo and Silk uses a double-blind peer review system, which means that manuscript author(s) do not know who the reviewers are, and that reviewers do not know the names of the author(s). When you submit your article via Editorial Manager, you will be asked to submit a separate title page which includes the full title of the manuscript plus the names and complete contact details of all authors. This page as well as biographical details will not be accessible to the referees. All other files (manuscript, figures, tables, etc.) should not contain any information concerning author names, institutions, etc. The names of these files and the document properties should also be anonymised.
Contact Address
For any questions or problems relating to your manuscript please contact the Editors at: For eventual questions about Editorial Manager, authors can also contact the Brill EM Support Department at:
Submission Requirements
Manuscripts should be written in English. Spelling (American) should be consistent throughout.
This publication uses the Roman alphabet (i.e., the Latin alphabet). As such, use Chinese pinyin for Chinese words and names. Citations aside, the spelling of the same word should be consistent throughout the document.
Nouns do not use hyphens, while adjectives preceding nouns usually do. Hyphens are typically not used in Chinese pinyin spelling. Some examples are: Xi Zhou (i.e. Western Zhou), pre-Qin; Qing dynasty; Dong Han (i.e. Eastern Han).
Chinese Characters
Generally speaking, Chinese characters are only used to mark the first appearance of a word or name. In principle, please use traditional Chinese characters, even for manuscripts originally published in simplified Chinese. When indenting to cite a complete passage in Chinese, only provide Chinese text and English translation (Chinese above with the English translation below it). No pinyin is needed.
Japanese Words and Expressions
Japanese words with long vowels should be marked with a short line above the letter, for example: chūgoku; kenkyū.
Use Times New Roman font for English, MingLiu, PMingLiu or SimSun (Founder Extended) font for Chinese, and Mincho MS font for Japanese. The text size is 12 points, footnotes 10 point.
Do not italicize Chinese and Japanese characters.
Do not create characters or use pictures for characters already in Unicode. Fonts such as SimSun Founder Extended (宋體—方正超大字符集) feature multiple extensions which include many rare characters. Including extended characters, there are now more than 70,000 encoded Chinese characters; refer to
For characters not in Unicode, to use primary character forms cut out from an original document, in addition to embedding the images directly into the essay, please also be sure to provide each image in a separate file in .tif or .jpg. The resolution for these types of images should be at least 600 d.p.i. For characters not found in Unicode, please either create or trace the character with a computer program and provide a clear and accurate image, to be consistent with other characters.
The suggested length for research papers is generally not more than 12,000 words (about 30 pages in print), while the length for book reviews should not exceed 6,000 words (about 15 pages in print).
Manuscript Structure
Formatting and style requirements are based on The Chicago Manual of Style
Use Microsoft Word Editor. Double space text and footnotes.
Do not use non-conventional word processing forms, such as underline, cross reference command, and so on, but please use common functions such as italics, centering function, etc. Indent every new paragraph once using the TAB key, do not manually add spaces with the spacebar. Indent block quotes as a whole, and leave an empty line before and after the block quote.
Underneath the title write name (including Chinese name), institutional affiliation and city, and email address. After the title add an asterisk * as first footnote. In the footnote provide 1) details of the original publication in the case of translated pieces, 2) information on the project funding of the research where relevant, 3) the name of the translator. Names should be given in both English and Chinese.
The text may be broken by headings to facilitate reading. Please use boldface for first-level headings. All heading numbers should be set flush left.
Abstract and Keywords
Authors should submit Chinese and English abstracts (60-100 Chinese characters, 50-70 English words), and Chinese and English keywords (3-5).
Numbers and Time
Use a dash between beginning and ending page and year numbers. The page number format is as follows:
First number | Second number | Example |
Less than 100 | Use complete number | 3-10; 71-72 |
Numbers three digits or higher with last two digits ending in 0 | Use complete number | 100-104; 600-613; 1100-1123 |
Numbers three digits or higher with the last digit ending between 1 and 9 and preceded by 0 | Only write out new number; omit 0. | 107-8; 505-17 |
Numbers three digits or higher with the last two digits between 10 and 99. | Only write out the last two digits (for three digit numbers), or more (if needed) | 321-25; 415-532; 1536-38;11564-68; 13792-803 |
Note: Write the complete number when the last three digits of a four-digit number change. For instance: 1496-1504.
The format for year date numbers is as follows:
·the war of 1914-18; the years 1597-1601
·the winter of 1900-1901; fiscal year 1975-76
·325-27 C.E.;300-325 C.E.; 327-325 B.C.E.
Note: The journal uses B.C.E. (公元前) and C.E. (公元).
Year dates in a title should not be omitted, for instance:
An English Mission to Muscovy, 1589-1591
Reign Lengths
When noting the reign length of an ancient ruler, first write the person's name in pinyin, and then write the corresponding Chinese character(s), with the reign years marked in parentheses and preceded by an “r‘ for “reign.‘ For instance:
King Huiwen of Qin秦惠文王 (r. 337-311 B.C.E.
Please use footnotes, and write out the complete information for all works cited. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the essay using WORD default Arabic numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on, and be placed after a complete grammatical unit of punctuation (e.g., comma, period, quotation marks, etc.).
Complete bibliographic information should only be provided at the first instance. Thereafter omit the author's name in Chinese characters and the publication information (publisher's location and name, year, etc.).
If referencing multiple articles from the same journal or periodical, provide complete publication information with Chinese characters at each first instance. If referencing the same source publication multiple times, and where the author or editor is an institution, the institution's name in pinyin and Chinese characters, and the Characters for the title are omitted after the first citation.
In referencing Chinese language (including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) materials use the following quotation marks for the titles of books and journals: 《》, for articles: 〈〉. For non-Chinese (i.e. Japanese, Korean, etc,) language materials use the quotations marks used in the original publication, such as: 」,『』).
When referencing an earlier annotation, the form is: See n. 16 above.
List all items alphabetically by author and, within author, by year of publication, at the end of the manuscript, entitled “References.‘
Ellipsis and Abbreviations
In general, do not use ellipsis and abbreviations, such as ibid (同上), op. cit. (同上), SJZY (for Shi ji zheng yi史記正義).
When referencing a book, write the author and title (City: Publisher, year), followed by the relevant page number(s).
Henan sheng wenwu yanjiusuo 河南省文物研究所, Xinyang Chu mu 信陽楚墓 (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 1986), 102.
Li Ling 李零, Changsha Zidanku Zhanguo Chu boshu yanjiu 長沙子彈庫戰國楚帛書研究 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1986).
Zhongguo Shehui kexueyuan Kaogu yanjiusuo中國社會科學院考古研究所ed., Yinxu Huayuanzhuang dongdi jiagu 殷墟花園莊東地甲骨 (Kunming: Yunnan Renmin chubanshe, 2003).
Li Xueqin李學勤, “Kong Meng zhi jian yu Lao Zhuang zhi jian‘ 孔孟之間與老莊之間, in Li Xueqin 李學勤, Wenwu zhong de gu wenming文物中的古文明 (Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan, 2008), 400–407.
Slips including Boards and Silk
When referencing slips (including boards) and silk in a report, first write the author(s) and the title of the book, then in parenthesis write the place of publication, name of publisher, and date, followed by the page, figure, plate, slip, or line (for silk manuscript) number(s) out of parentheses.
Hubei sheng Jing Sha tielu kaogudui 湖北省荊沙鐵路考古隊, Baoshan Chu jian 包山楚簡 (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 1991),124, fig. 54.
Hunan sheng wenwu kaogu yanjiusuo 湖南省文物考古研究所 ed., Liye Qin jian里耶秦簡, Vol.1 (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 2012), plate 16, slips 8-19.
Journal Articles
When referencing an article in a periodical, the form is as follows:
Qiu Xigui 裘錫圭, “Tantan Suixian Zenghou Yi mu de wenzi ziliao‘ 談談隨縣曾侯乙墓的文字資料, Wenwu 文物1979.7, 25-33.
Gao Ming 高明, “Lun Qiang pan mingwen zhong de Wei shi jiazu‘ 論牆盤銘文中的微氏家族, Kaogu 考古2013.3, 54-61.
Xia Hanyi 夏含夷 (Edward L. Shaughnessy), “Xifang Hanxuejia Zhongguo guwenzi yanjiu gaiyao ‘ 西方漢學家中國古文字研究概要, Jianbo 簡帛9 (2014), 369-94.
Wang Kaibo王凱博, “Shanghai bowuguan cang zhanguo chuzhushu (jiu) yanjiu er ti‘ 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(九)研究二題, Zhongguo Wenzi 中國文字 (Xin 新) 41 (2015), 219-26.
Yang Hua 楊華, “Baoshan jian 155 hao suojian chudi sangzang zhidu‘ 包山簡155號所見楚地喪葬制度, Jianbo yanjiu 簡帛研究 (Qiudong Juan秋冬卷2015), 61-70.
When referencing an article in a particular issue of a publication, write the name of the author, the name of the essay, the name of the journal, volume and issue numbers with publication year (in parentheses), followed by the page number.
Schuyler Cammann, “The ‘TLV' Pattern on Cosmic Mirrors of the Han Dynasty,‘ Journal of the American Oriental Society 68.3-4 (1948), 159-67.
Name Formatting for Chinese Language Periodicals
Chutu wenxian yanjiu 出土文獻研究
Guwenzi yanjiu 古文字研究
Lishi yanjiu 歷史研究
Essays on Websites
Hsing I-tien邢義田, “Zailun Sanbianquan‘ 再論三辨券, Wuhan daxue Jianbo wang 武漢大學簡帛網, July 15, 2016,
Chen Jian 陳劍, “Wangji, Fanyin jiaozi shiyi‘ 《妄稽》《反淫》校字拾遺, Fudan daxue Chutu Wenxian yu Guwenzi yanjiu zhongxin wang 復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心網, July 04, 2016, 2016,
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